Growing up, I have always looked up to my dad for being a Civil Engineer. I wanted to follow his footsteps and become an engineer just like him. When I learned that Computer Engineering existed, I did my research and I was drawn towards becoming one. My interest in software engineering sparked when I heard that my high school was opening up a coding class. Since I enjoyed playing video games, math, and computers, I immediately took the opportunity and joined that class to learn more about the subject that is closely related to my interests.
I didn’t know much about coding back in high school, and I was struggling during the first month of coding classes. We were learning CSS, HTML, and a small portion of Javascript. At the end of the year, a group of four people, including me, were assigned to create a website from scratch. It was a great experience creating a website, and doing all the same proccess as a workfield would do. I enjoyed being in that class, and I am glad I was given the opportunity to start learning how to code in my younger years.
As I went on to college, I continued to pursue my goal of becoming a Computer Engineer/Software Engineer. I learned C/C++ and Python during my first three years of college, and in this class I was able to learn JavaScript. I did not expect myself to learn JavaScript in just a couple of hours. I think it’s because all the other languages are similar to each other. They only have different structures, but there are certain rules that are breakable in other languages. JavaScript seems more straightforward and easier to learn than the other programming languages. It might also be because I already knew the basics from learning the other languages.
I am excited to move forward into the class to learn more about JavaScript, UI Design, Meteor, etc. I am specifically looking forward to the end of the year project of creating a website with a team. I think I will enjoy creating the project. It will be interesting to compare the website I made in highschool, and see how much I improved.
I hope that I am able to significantly improve my programming skills during my time in this class. I was never good at doing my work under short time constraints, so doing the daily coding in class will be interesting and challenging for me. I will have to practice a lot in order to successfully complete the problems. I hope that the skills I’ll learn in this class will help me when I step into the engineering working field.